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APSEA Video Conferencing Considerations for Meeting Organizers
- Submit agenda and/or any preparation materials to the Interpreting Services & Translation Lead as soon as they are available prior to the meeting, at least 2 working days prior to the meeting.
- Consult via email with the Interpreting Services & Translation Lead prior to meeting to determine what interpreting services are required. For larger meetings, a separate zoom link for interpreting may be required to support optimal access.
- As the meeting host, when possible, open the zoom link 5-10 minutes before the meeting to allow the interpreting team to adjust their screen, test audio/microphone and their space for best visual access. Please allow the interpreter(s) to join the meeting prior to other attendees joining.
- Review the considerations for meeting participants, as listed below, at the beginning of the meeting.
APSEA ZOOM Considerations for Meeting Participants
- Ensure you are clearly visible in the screen.
- During the meeting, please state your name before speaking to ensure all participants know who is speaking.
- Please mute your microphone when you are not speaking.
- Try to avoid talking over/at the same time as other participants.
- If you wish to speak, please raise your hand or use the “raise hand” feature in zoom.
- When speaking, please identify the person to whom the message is directed.
Zoom Considerations for Interpreters
- Ensure your background is bare and free from distractions.
- If you are working with a team interpreter(s), please plan a pre-meeting discussion to review the agenda and discuss your plan.
- Please determine in advance the preferred communication method between team interpreter if feedback is required during a meeting. Possible options include:
- Using the chat feature. Choose the name from the list of participants to ensure the message is being sent to the desired recipient and not to the whole group.
- Using your cell phones to text with each other.