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Eligibility for Service

Children and Youth who are Blind or Visually Impaired Eligibility Criteria

(ASL Translation)

Children and youth in the Atlantic Provinces, eligible for services shall have a diagnosis from a licensed eye specialist within the last 12 months as having one of the following:

  • Visual acuity of 6/21 (20/70) or less, at near or distance, in the better eye with best correction.
  • A visual diagnosis or related visual stamina that is not correctable and results in the child’s functioning as if their visual acuity is limited to 6/21 (20/70) or less.
  • Visual field of 20 degrees or less, or a diagnosis of hemianopsia or bilateral scotomas.
  • Any progressive eye disease with a prognosis of becoming one of the above in the next few years.
  • Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI).
  • Temporary eye conditions such as post-operative retinal detachment or patching where service for a limited time is required.


  • Demonstrates limited ability to visually access the full range of program-appropriate media and materials.


Children and Youth who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Eligibility Criteria

(ASL Translation)

Children and youth in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia*, eligible for services shall be diagnosed by an audiologist within the last 12 months with one of the following:

  • Binaural: hearing levels where a pure tone average of 16 dB or greater of three frequencies from 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 hertz (HZ) in the better ear which is not reversible in a reasonable period of time and for which amplification is prescribed and worn.
  • Monaural: having single-sided deafness where there is no clinical benefit from amplification for that ear. Not reversible in a reasonable period of time.

* For Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador, eligibility for APSEA services will follow provincial criteria.