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4.15 - Workplace Accommodation Policy

Notice About ASL Translation - The translation of this policy into American Sign Language (ASL) is for accessibility. We have made every effort to ensure the ASL translation is accurate, however ASL and English are different languages, and the translations may not align word for word. In the event of any differences in interpretation between the ASL translation and the written policy, the written policy will apply.

Section 4 Human Resources Management

Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to outline the Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority’s (APSEA’s) commitment to providing reasonable accommodations to employees and job applicants who require them due to disabilities, religious beliefs, family status, gender identity, or other grounds protected under Canadian human rights legislation. This policy aims to ensure an inclusive, equitable, and supportive workplace environment.


Accommodation - Adjustments or modifications to the work environment or job that enable an employee to perform their job functions, participate in the workplace, or apply for a position. Accommodation does not have to be perfect but does have to be reasonable.

Contractor - Any individual or company (and its employees) who provides services to APSEA under a service contract for compensation but who is not in an employment relationship.

Direct Supervisor - The individual responsible to supervise and/or manage an Employee and/or group of Employees, including supervisors, managers, directors, and Superintendent.

Disability - Any condition or difference—physical, mental, intellectual, sensory, cognitive, developmental, or emotional—that may limit a person’s full participation in work on an equal basis with others. It encompasses impairments, activity limitations, and restrictions in participation resulting from interactions between an individual’s condition and external social, environmental, or structural barriers.

Employee - A person whose terms and conditions are set out in accordance with a contractual employment agreement with APSEA, as well as other direct employees performing work for APSEA.

Undue Hardship - A situation where providing accommodation would cause significant difficulty or expense to the Company, considering factors such as cost, health, safety, and impact on operations.

Policy Objectives

  • APSEA is committed to meeting its legal and ethical obligations to reasonably accommodate employees and job applicants up to the point of undue hardship.
  • All accommodation requests will be handled in a confidential, respectful, and timely manner.
  • The accommodation process is a shared responsibility among the employee, the supervisor/manager, the respective Union (if applicable) and Human Resources.


This policy applies to all APSEA employees, job applicants, and any individual in a contractual relationship with APSEA.

Types of Accommodations

APSEA will consider accommodations that may include but are not limited to:

  • Modifying work schedules or job duties
  • Providing assistive devices or equipment
  • Modifying workspaces
  • Allowing leaves of absence or flexible work arrangements
  • Modifying policies, practices, or procedures

Requesting Accommodation

Employee Request: Employees who require accommodation must notify their direct supervisor or Human Resources as soon as possible. The request can be made verbally or in writing.

Job Applicant Request: Applicants requiring accommodation during the hiring process should inform Human Resources at the earliest opportunity.

The Accommodation Process

Initial Discussion: A meeting will be arranged between the employee, their direct supervisor, and Human Resources to discuss the accommodation request and explore possible solutions.

Documentation: The employee may be asked to provide documentation, such as medical information or assessments, to support the accommodation request. This information will be kept confidential and only used to determine the appropriate accommodation.

Assessment: APSEA will assess the request, considering the employee’s needs, the job requirements, and potential accommodations. External experts may be consulted if necessary.

Implementation: Once accommodation is agreed upon, a plan will be developed and implemented. The plan will be monitored and adjusted as necessary.

Review: Accommodations will be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain effective and continue to meet the employee’s needs.

Privacy and Confidentiality

All personal information related to accommodation requests will be handled confidentially and only disclosed to those directly involved in the accommodation process.

Complaints and Appeals

Employees who feel their accommodation request has not been adequately addressed can raise their concerns with Human Resources. If necessary, the issue will be escalated for further review.


All APSEA Employees
Communicate accommodation needs, provide relevant information, and participate in the accommodation process.

Respond promptly to accommodation requests, work collaboratively with Human Resources, and support the implementation of accommodations.

As members of the Leadership Team, these individuals are responsible for implementing APSEA’s operational policies and any applicable documents.

Members of the Leadership Team will take reasonable measures to bring this policy to the attention of all employees and to ensure directives are being followed.

Any known instances of non-compliance with APSEA’s Workplace Accommodation Policy will be addressed. Given APSEA’s scope, some violations may go unnoticed. Employees should be aware that this does not mean APSEA condones unacceptable use.

Human Resources
Facilitate the accommodation process, provide guidance, maintain records, and ensure compliance with legal requirements.


  • The Superintendent of APSEA or their designate will review this policy annually.


This is an operational policy designed to supplement other APSEA operational policies and is not intended to replace or preclude them. If a situation occurs where there is a conflict between application of this operational policy and any other APSEA operational policy, the policy most specific to the situation will apply.

Approval Dates

Approved: December 2024
