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The Role of Perspective Taking in Leadership

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Webinar Overview

Recorded: December 8, 2020
Perspective taking is a pivotal social behavior that begins to develop in early childhood and evolves throughout the lifespan.  Perspective taking is a pre-requisite to sympathy, empathy, and compassion. This presentation describes how perspective taking serves a critical role in effective leadership repertoires such as communication skills, time management skills, social skills, and decision-making and problem-solving. Recommendations are provided for strategies for increasing the use of perspective taking in everyday work situations to enhance your functioning as a leader and educational service provider.


Dr. Linda LeBlanc received her Ph.D. from Louisianna State University and has published more than 90 articles and book chapters on topics such as behavioural treatment of autism, technology-based behavioural interventions, behavioural gerontology, leadership, and system development in human services. Dr. LeBlanc is a licensed psychologist and president of LeBlanc Behavioral Consulting, based in Golden, Colarado. She has alos served as the Executive Director of Trumpet Behavioral Health and has held faculty positions at Claremont McKenna College, Western Michigan Universty, and Auburn University.


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