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February 27, 2025
3:00 to 4:30 p.m. (AST) / 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. (NST)

Purpose: To provide participants with information on how to conduct a functional behaviour assessment (FBA) in a school setting and develop a behaviour support plan.

Presenter:  Catherine Breault, M.Ed., BCBA

Rationale: Problem behaviour is a source of frustration and stress for school staff, parents/caregivers, and learners. This presentation outlines a systematic approach to understanding the variables that impact behaviour that when used correctly, can result in effective behavioural support. Functional behaviour assessment is an expected practice in education when learners require individualized supports to address behaviour that is persistent or intense and has not responded to less intensive intervention.

Intended Audience: Any member of a school or district team who shares responsibility for providing behavioural support and developing plans to address behaviour.

1.5 BACB Learning CEUs available

Part 4: Tier 3 Behaviour Support - Function-Based Intervention

  • Provide rationale for and define function-based intervention.
    • Alter patterns of behaviour, is based on outcome of FBA, need to make the problem behaviour irrelevant, inefficient, and ineffective, and be a good fit.
    • Competing behaviour pathway for selecting intervention strategies.
      • FBA summary statement
      • Define alternative behaviour and contingencies.
      • Select procedures (setting events, antecedent strategies, teaching and promoting alternative behaviour, responding to behaviour /consequences.

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