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Service Delivery Review Recommendations Timeline 2022-2025

APSEA leadership has carefully reviewed and analyzed all recommendations from the Service Delivery Review report to ensure the implementation plan addresses the recommendations/ challenges identified in the review to support the work of APSEA and the interests of learners. The recommendations are outlined in order of completion in this Service Delivery Recommendations Timeline 2022-2025 document.


  • AIE – Autism in Education
  • ASL – American Sign Language
  • BVI – blind or visually impaired
  • DHH – Deaf or hard of hearing
  • Executive Committee – A committee of the APSEA Board of Directors which is comprised of the Deputy Ministers of Education in the four Atlantic provinces.
  • STP – Short-Term Programs
  • VLS – Virtual Learning Series

Immediate Implementation
August 2022 – February 2023
(1-6 Months)

  1. APSEA work with the Executive Committee to seek an arrangement to have at least one school/educational psychologist in each district/region assigned as a lead person for psycho-educational assessments for students who are DHH and another for students who are BVI.

    Action: The recommendation was examined, and it was determined that it does not align with the processes for accessing services from school/educational psychologists in the Atlantic provinces. Given that, APSEA is not implementing this recommendation as it is written. Instead, APSEA will implement Recommendation 5: Adopt a collaborative model for the administration of school psycho-educational assessments with a team comprising of the school-based/district/regional school/educational psychologist, APSEA itinerant teachers and other program support staff, a speech language pathologist, and other professionals as required.
  2. APSEA adopt a collaborative model for the administration of psycho-educational assessments with a team comprising the school-based/district/regional school/educational psychologist, APSEA itinerant teachers and other program support staff, a speech language pathologist, and other professionals as required.

    Action: This recommendation has been incorporated into the Responsive Teaching and Learning Model. Assessment serves a variety of purposes at different times of the learner’s progress. A comprehensive assessment consists of pre-instruction, formative, and summative assessments. The new model integrates a comprehensive assessment strategy to guide the decisions for the learner’s future programming needs.
  3. The outcomes for expanded core curriculum (ECC) that are not delivered by the APSEA itinerant teachers be examined to determine those that are best achieved through in- person learning and those that can effectively be delivered virtually.

    • All outcomes of the Expanded Core Curriculums (ECCs) can be delivered by the itinerant teacher and other APSEA specialists who travel to support the learners in their school, community, home, and/or early learning facility.

    Action: APSEA will continue to offer and enhance a variety of programming options with the Responsive Teaching and Learning Model. Virtual learning opportunities provide learners, families, and School-based Education Teams with targeted support and programming and are designed to provide learners with opportunities to connect virtually with peers as well as benefit from accessing the expertise of APSEA employees. In-person gatherings provide learners and their families with opportunities to meet one another and share their common experiences. These gatherings occur in a variety of settings where learners and families can meet both regionally and beyond.

  4. The current STP and VLS programs be reviewed with a view to having a high-quality program that supports student learning in all ECC outcomes. Elements of the review can include but not be limited to; coherence with the outcomes, duration, intensity, age- and grade-appropriateness, placement, and delivery mode.

    Action: The Responsive Teaching and Learning Model incorporates in-person learning opportunities, virtual learning opportunities and in-person gatherings. Each of these programming options is designed to be inclusive, equitable, accessible, and culturally and linguistically responsive to the learner and their family. Families and learners will have more opportunities to connect in-person, closer to home and virtually.
  5. Once a review of ECC and the current programs (e.g., STPs, VLS) has been completed, establish a new program/model that provides diverse and multiple opportunities for students to experience both in-person and virtual programming relevant to their needs.

    Action: The Responsive Teaching and Learning Model provides new and ongoing opportunities for learners to experience both in-person regional opportunities and virtual programming at more frequent intervals and as needed.
  6. APSEA provide in-person program offerings (APSEA Centre, regionally, summer camps, post-graduate transition extended program) to ensure students who are DHH and BVI can connect and socialize with other students with similar experiences.

    Action: In-person program offerings are part of the Responsive Teaching and Learning Model.

Progress update as of May 2023

Short-term Implementation
March 2023 – July 2023
(7-12 Months)

  1. APSEA articulate targets for reduced travel time for APSEA itinerant teachers (e.g., 10 per cent reduction per year over a five-year period).

    Action: APSEA is gathering baseline data for travel for the 2022-23 school year. The Responsive Teaching and Learning Model incorporates opportunities for in-person and virtual support for learners receiving APSEA services.
  2. APSEA itinerant teachers each develop a plan that incorporates face-to-face and virtual sessions so that travel time is reduced by their pre-determined target.

    Action: The Responsive Teaching and Learning Model incorporates a blend of face-to-face and virtual learning. The goal is to maximize direct support to learners.

    The Guide to Responsive Teaching and Learning incorporates a comprehensive assessment strategy to best guide the decisions for the learner’s programming needs, determining which service is best suited in-person and which can be delivered virtually.
  3. In extenuating circumstances when travel and community isolation prevent a student’s participation in an in-person program, APSEA avail of the technology, to the extent possible, to allow the student to engage virtually.

    Action: Developed Information technology guidelines for accessing technology with a focus on reducing barriers for technology requirements for participation in virtual programming.

    APSEA service delivery teams will work with school-based teams to ensure learners receiving APSEA services are equipped with necessary technology.
  4. APSEA itinerant teachers and other program support staff, as appropriate, collaborate with school personnel and meet with graduating students and their families to evaluate the readiness of the student to move into a workplace or postsecondary education.

    1. If the student is ready to move forward, APSEA itinerant teachers, in collaboration with school personnel, set up a meeting between the receiving workplace or postsecondary institution to facilitate the transition.
    2. If the student is not ready to make the transition, APSEA itinerant teachers, in collaboration with school personnel, review options and develop a transition plan.

    Action: APSEA employees will continue to work with school-based educational teams to support transition planning for learners receiving APSEA services.

  5. APSEA provide flexible scheduling options for programs for pre-school children and their families.

    Action: The Responsive Teaching and Learning Guide is being adapted to support programming for the Early Years. APSEA programs and services will reflect flexibility with location, scheduling, and virtual and in-person options.
  6. In future hirings, APSEA continue to strive for cultural and linguistic diversity among APSEA staff.

    Action: APSEA has formalized and continues to enhance this practice. Examples include post-secondary bursaries for those studying in the field of DHH and BVI education, fair hiring policies, updating language in job descriptions. In addition, APSEA’s 2023-2025 Accessibility Plan has Employment commitments.
  7. APSEA monitor the outcomes of the common service delivery plan project started in a number of locations with a view to adoption of best practices.

    Action: Processes are in place for future planning to include Districts, Boards, and Regional Centres for Education as they are prepared to move forward with the common learning plan for learners receiving APSEA services.
  8. APSEA senior management provide all APSEA staff with information about provincial inclusive education policies and practices and use staff meeting time to help ensure understanding with respect to how to align APSEA’s service delivery model with provincial inclusive education policies and practices.

    Action: All APSEA staff have access to the policies and practices. The Responsive Teaching and Learning Model was designed to support the policies and practices in each of the Atlantic provinces. The Professional Learning Plan which supports the implementation of the Responsive Teaching and Learning Model makes connections to the provincial policies and practices.

Progress update as of September 2023

Long-term Implementation
August 2023 – July 2025
(1-3 Years)

  1. APSEA develop an overall professional learning plan that includes annual/biannual opportunities for APSEA staff and district/regional/school colleagues to assemble, complemented by virtual learning opportu3.APSEA develop an overall professional learning plan that includes annual/biannual opportunities for APSEA staff and district/regional/ school colleagues to assemble, complemented by virtual learning opportunities.

    Action: Professional learning plan has been developed and integrated into ongoing operations, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives. This includes opportunities to share learning internally across departments as well as across provinces, allowing us to work better together and support students more effectively. In addition, we are exploring new technology to organize and share learning materials for learners, families, and staff. This will make it easier to access and use these resources. In October 2024, APSEA is hosting Teaching to Diversity, a two-day conference offering professional learning designed to enhance knowledge and skills for professionals who support individuals with diverse strengths and needs across various environments, including early learning settings, home, school, and community.
  2. APSEA conduct a needs assessment to determine if there are other areas of student services (special education) that can be addressed effectively, using a model similar to its AIE partnership.

    Action: After a thorough examination of the recommendation, it was determined that the current priority lies with implementing the new service delivery model within the scope of APSEA’s existing mandate.
  3. APSEA carry out a review of its library holdings with the goal of making its collection more diverse.

    Action: APSEA completed a thorough review of library holdings which was supported by professional learning that focused on incorporating an enhanced bias review process to ensure diversity in library holdings on an ongoing basis.
  4. APSEA work collaboratively with community-based organizations, first language ASL signers, and francophone school districts to provide improved services.

    Action: Relationship building, and collaboration are key components of the work we do across Atlantic Canada. This is ongoing work and APSEA will continue to explore collaborations that are meaningful and have direct positive impacts on the services we provide.

    APSEA’s mission is to work in collaboration with its partners. There are processes in place that allow us to work more efficiently by sharing skills, knowledge, resources, and capabilities with our collaborators. Through this recommendation we continue to strengthen existing stakeholder relationships and explore new ones to help us work more effectively and keep us moving forward.
  5. Provincial representatives (department and district/regional) together with APSEA senior staff (i.e., superintendent, directors, supervisors) establish a process for the development, implementation, and monitoring of school-level program planning for students who receive support from APSEA that includes:

    1. the inclusion of APSEA staff at program planning meetings for students;
    2. professional learning to clarify understanding of both the APSEA structure and the provincial inclusive education policies and tiered models; and
    3. a communication strategy for parents and community partners.


    1. APSEA employees continue to work with school-based educational teams. The Responsive Teaching and Learning Model incorporates a blend of face-to-face and virtual learning. The Guide to Responsive Teaching and Learning incorporates a comprehensive assessment strategy to best guide the decisions for the learner’s programming needs, determining which service is best suited in-person and which can be delivered virtually. The goal is to maximize direct support to learners.
    2. All staff have access to the policies and practices. The Responsive Teaching and Learning Model was designed to support the policies and practices in each of the Atlantic provinces.

      The Professional Learning Plan which supports the implementation of the Responsive Teaching and Learning Model makes connections to the provincial policies and practices. APSEA continues to provide service to learners and families that incorporates best practice and upholds the inclusive education policies and practices of their home province.
    3. APSEA engages in regular communication with parents and community partners regarding school-level and regional programming for learners receiving support from APSEA. Email is the primary source of communication and APSEA’s active social media channels aid in engagement with our community of stakeholders.

Progress update as of June 2024