Mason Carpenter is a Grade 5 student from Tusket, NS. He grew his hair for 19 months after learning that some cancer treatments cause patients to lose their hair, and he wanted to do what he could to help. Students and staff at the school gathered in the gym on December 10 to watch Mason's haircut, as well as that of a teacher who also grew her hair to donate.
In conjunction with the awareness raised by the haircuts, Mason's family and the school are also collecting money for the Gilles Boudreau & Friends Cancer Help Fund - a local charity that provides financial support to Yarmouth-area families who need to travel outside of the area for cancer treatment. Mason showed his big heart and a lot of patience, especially as he had trouble fitting his hair under his hockey helmet!
- Submitted by Sherrie Graham, Itinerant Teacher for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired