June 20, 2020
Congratulations to our retirees and 25 year certificate staff. Thank you for your years of service and for the impact you've had on those APSEA serves. We wish you all the best!
Congratulations on Retirement
- Anne Auby, Residence Counsellor (APSEA Centre)
- Phyllis Anne Blanche, DHH Itinerant Teacher (NS)
- Sherryl Eatmon, DHH Itinerant Teacher (NB)
- Reg Dunphy, Educational Audiologist (APSEA Centre)
- Rose Gallant, Domestic (APSEA Centre)
- Sue Purney, DHH Itinerant Teacher (NB)
- Betty Strugnell, BVI Transition Planning Facilitator (NS)
Congratulations on 25 years
- Pearl Gallant
- Harry Purney