- Together we will dive deep into the world of work and get a better understanding of skills needed to be a good worker and team member.Strategies for organization, advocacy, and ways to be a part of our communities will be explored. We will explore the different strategies and accommodations that you are using on a daily basis. This program will also focus on effective ways to communicate, investigating assistive technology ECC Areas:
- Thursday, February 20From 12:00 to 12:45 p.m. (AST) / 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. (NST)Facilitators: Jennie Bovard, Jen Fancy, Jen H. to moderate chat/questionsTarget Audience: Classroom Teachers, Subject Specialist Teachers, Resource Teachers, EAsProgram DetailsJoin Mentors Jen and Jennie for a discussion about life with blindness and visual impairment at every age.
- Thursday, March 27From 12:00 to 12:45 p.m. (AST) / 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. (NST)Facilitators: Jen H.Target Audience: Classroom Teachers, Subject Specialist Teachers, Resource Teachers, EAs, School Administrators, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists
- Touch Typing is an important life skill, but it can be challenging (and sometimes a little boring) to learn. Join us for 6 weeks of typing skills practice where you’ll create a plan for your own learning, be supported by peers and learn some typing while having fun. Participation in the program provides students opportunities to:
- A computer keyboard looks a little mixed up. Why aren’t the letters in order A-Z? How are you supposed to use this thing? During these 6 weeks, you’ll learn about the keyboard layout and why it is how it is. You’ll learn to find the letters and symbols you’re looking for, and what some of those other buttons are for. Participation in the program provides students opportunities to:
- - Hallie Thompson (grade 9 DHH student) You think to yourself How you wish you could shut the world out Just close your eyes And fade out all hearing Just for a bit to stay low Little do u know Not hearing puts you in an all time low You wake up to the sounds of birds chirping The sound to you may be disturbing But let me tell you As I woke up every morning To the sound of silence I wished to have found just one sound
- - I'd like to welcome back our presenter for today, Saundra Bishop. And for those of you who have not joined us or have missed the past two webinars, the recording of webinar number one is already available on the website. Two and three should be up within a couple of weeks, but Saundra is the Founder, CEO and Clinical Director of BASICS ABA Therapy. She's also the president elect of the DC Association for Behavior Analysis.
- ( View ASL )
- - I just wanna say hello and welcome back to our presenter, Saundra Bishop. I know many of you joined us two weeks ago for part one of this series and Saundra is the founder and CEO and clinical director of Basics, ABA Therapy. If you joined us a couple of weeks ago, you'll know that she's a certified clinical trauma professional, that she comes at this work as a professional and as a parent as well and she's extremely passionate about trauma-informed behavior management and models that focus on self advocacy rather than compliance.
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Serving Children & Youth Who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing/Blind or Visually Impaired