The Nova Scotia Department of Education provides access to EBSCOhost - a powerful online reference system. If offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers.
Whether you employ basic or advanced searching techniques in databases, sometimes you just want to know what the latest articles are for a specific journal. That's where we come in! We will set up an EBSCOhost email alert(s) for whichever journal(s) you select. The alert will come from 'epalerts' and will include a list of the articles in the journal with direct links to EBSCOhost!
We can set up alerts for these journals:
- American Annals of the Deaf
- American Journal of Audiology
- British Journal of Special Education
- Child: Care, Health & Development
- Educational Leadership
- Exceptional Children
- Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
- Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness
- Reading Teacher
- Teaching Exceptional Children
- Volta Review
If you would like to be included an email alert for a journal(s), send an email to the library.
What are you waiting for?