Issue Date: January 2019
Revised: October 2023
Application: This procedure applies to students and parents/guardians.
- Parent/guardian concerns related to APSEA services should be addressed with the appropriate APSEA staff member. If the issue remains unresolved, it should be directed to the appropriate APSEA supervisor. If still unresolved, it should be directed to the APSEA Director of Programs (BVI or DHH).
- Parent/guardian concerns related to APSEA programming/administrative issues should be addressed with the APSEA supervisor. If the issue remains unresolved the parent/ guardian may direct the concern to the appropriate APSEA Director of Programs (BVI or DHH).
- When a parent/guardian has a concern with an APSEA staff member and is not comfortable addressing the concern directly with that staff member, the parent should contact the staff member’s immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor will determine the appropriate action.
- When a parent/guardian concern remains unresolved after the issue is addressed with the APSEA staff member, the APSEA supervisor, and the APSEA Director of Programs (BVI or DHH), the parent/guardian has the option of contacting the APSEA Superintendent.
- The APSEA Superintendent will advise the Director of Programs (BVI or DHH) of contact by the parent/guardian and ask for a written response (Appendix A), including all relevant notes.
- The APSEA Superintendent will investigate the parent/guardian concern and provide a response to the parent/guardian within a reasonable time frame.
- Documentation related to the parent/guardian concern shall remain on file with the Superintendent.
- Parent/Guardian Concerns Procedure (PDF)
- Appendix A - Director Response to the Parent/Guardian Concern Reporting Form (PDF)
- Appendix B - Procedure Flow Chart (PDF)