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Atlantic Interprovincial Teaching to Diversity Conference

Recorded on October 9, 2024
at Halifax Tower Hotel, Bayers Lake, Halifax, NS

Our Speakers:

Lana MacLean

Lana MacLean

Adithyan (Dithu) Rajaraman

Adithyan (Dithu) Rajaraman

Holly Gover

Holly Gover

Satie Borden

Satie Borden

Presented by:

APSEA and APABA logos

Educational personnel in the Atlantic Provinces, including APSEA staff, are invited to register for the 2024 Teaching to Diversity Conference hosted by APSEA and the Atlantic Provinces Association for Behaviour Analysis (APABA).

The provincial Departments of Education / Education and Early Childhood Development and APSEA will be sponsoring a limited number of in-person seats for provincial educational personnel and APSEA staff. In addition, the cost of virtual registration will be covered for Atlantic Provinces educational personnel, including APSEA staff, who wish to attend the conference virtually. Please see the applicable information below.

Educational personnel, including APSEA staff, in Atlantic Canada who wish to attend the conference in-person should contact Shelley McLean APSEA’s Coordinator for Autism in Education and Collaborative Learning & Development for more information.

Registration is now closed.

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