November 15, 2019
Halloween 2019 at APSEA
Staff and students at the APSEA Centre dressed up for Halloween and celebrated together at a social in the cafeteria with refreshments.

November 8, 2019
Staff Donations to APSEA Auxiliary

November 8, 2019
Painting Activities by APSEA Students
View some recent artwork by our students

November 1, 2019
Flying Over Nova Scotia
Dream Wings flies kids of all abilities over the beautiful landscapes of Nova Scotia.

November 1, 2019
Phyllis Anne Blanche Retiring
Phyllis Anne Blanche is retiring after 30+ years of teaching with APSEA on November 1.

October 9, 2019
Interpreter Workshop – August 2019
The annual Interpreter Workshop was held in August where Dr. Michella Maiorana-Basas presented on the Radical Middle, and there was a cultural responsiveness session with Dr. Kevin Stewart.

May 28, 2019
2019 National Conference for Second Language Educators
Staff presented an information session on newcomer students learning English who are deaf or hard of hearing.

May 9, 2019
Annual Retirement Reception
The annual retirement reception to honour staff with upcoming retirements and those celebrating 25 years of service.

April 18, 2019
Family Support Group in New Glasgow
A Family Support Group was recently organized for families with children who are Deaf or hard of hearing and held at New Glasgow Regional Library.

March 14, 2019
Pancake Breakfast to Support the APSEA Auxiliary
This is a fun (and flavourful!) event where members of the Senior Leadership Team serve a delicious pancake breakfast to staff who purchase a fundraising ticket

March 14, 2019
APSEA Supports Tampon Tuesday
APSEA supported a unique campaign organized by the United Way Halifax called Tampon Tuesday.

February 27, 2019
Skiing to Victory
As an athlete with the Ontario Para Alpine Team, Hayden Denouden competed in his first big race in February. Hayden won the bronze medal in both the Slalom and Giant Slalom events, competing against skiers with varying disabilities.

February 27, 2019
Game Changers Project
Able gaming can improve mental health, cognitive growth and physical ability. Many users can benefit from accessible video gaming equipment as an integral part of rehabilitation therapy.

February 26, 2019
Fierce Conversations Workshop
Approximately 20 staff from across APSEA participated in this engaging session facilitated by Ms. Boucher.

January 11, 2019
APSEA STP Students Give Back
Short-term program students organized a fundraiser with the goal of building hygiene kits to donate to the St. George’s Round Church, in Halifax, NS.